Presenters must register and pay by the early bird deadline (July 24, 2024) to confirm their time slot.


Abstract submission is now closed!


1) Abstract submission opens Tuesday, February 6, 2024.
2) You must login to the conference system via the SMM website. Click HERE to get started.
3) To begin a new abstract, choose “Abstract Submission” on the home page.
4) To view abstracts that are in progress or already submitted, choose the abstract from your list on your home page.
5) To ensure that your data are entered correctly, please follow all directions carefully.
6) Allow at least one hour for abstract submission and proceed through the system, carefully completing each section.
7) After submitting your abstract, a receipt of your submission will be emailed to you within 24 hours.
8) The abstract submission deadline is March 26, 2024 at 12 PM (noon), Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) (GMT+8).
9) Acceptance emails for new submissions will be sent in May 2024. 
10) Authors will receive an email with their assigned date and time for presenting after confirming their participation. To confirm and hold your space, authors are required to complete registration by the early bird registration deadline of end of day July 24, 2024.
11) All accepted abstracts will be available on the SMM2024 Conference Program approximately two weeks prior to the meeting.


The abstract submission deadline is March 26, 2024 at 12 PM (noon), Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) (GMT +8).

Registration is NOT required at the time of submission; however, if your abstract is accepted for presentation in any format, you must register and pay by the early bird deadline of end of day on July 24, 2024 in order for your time slot to be confirmed.


A person can submit ONE abstract and be the “Primary Presenter” ONLY ONCE for any presentation (i.e. oral, speed talk, poster or video) regardless of position on author line.

There is NO limit on how many abstracts a co-author can be listed on.


The title character limit is 255. Please use Title Case with no unnecessary capitalization and no full stop (period) at the end to enter your title. DO NOT USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS for your Abstract Title. Abstracts that do not conform will not be accepted.


The word limit for abstracts is 300 words. This abstract word limit does not include the abstract title, author names or affiliations.

You may italicize text, make your text bold, add super and subscripts and special characters by selecting the smart formatting tool at the top of the abstract entry text box.


Oral presentations are each allotted 12 minutes: 9 minutes for your presentation, 2 minutes for questions and 1 minute for transition.

Posters are an extended abstract with easily readable text and graphics. Posters typically include a title, authors, background, methods, 1-3 results, conclusions and acknowledgements.

A speed talk is a four-minute presentation during which you may present key-ideas, results and their meaning/implication. As a guide, three slides should be sufficient to allow you to get your point across.

A video presentation mirrors the duration of a speed-talk (four minutes) but incorporates diverse media elements such as high-resolution video, animation, and narration. Authors are encouraged to employ these media creatively to effectively convey the study’s purpose, results, and implications, aiming for comprehension not only among scientific peers but also among a broader audience.


You will need to identify a topic for your abstract submission. Each topic is accompanied by a brief description to help you decide which is most relevant for your submission. There are11 major topics from which to choose, or rather, 10 broadly defined topics and an ‘other’ should you feel it does not fall within the bounds of the other 10. We realize that these are not all mutually exclusive, so please just submit your abstract under that topic which you feel best suits your research.

Among these are two new topics about which we are particularly excited: ‘Out of the blue’ encourages sharing of unexpected or unprecedented, interesting events relating to marine mammals, and ‘Science on a shoestring’ invites submissions and awards attention on innovative marine mammal science being completed on a low budget.

Research pertaining to the study of the form, function and structure of marine mammals and their features, including aspects of outward appearance.

Studies of marine mammal behavior as an evolutionarily adaptive trait or in the context of anthropogenic influences and research that focuses on culture in marine mammals. This may include studies closely tied to behavior, cognition, and psychology.

Research on climate change effects on marine mammal populations, species and their habitats. Studies may relate to movements, vital rates, polar ecology, or changes in metocean conditions and physical habitat alteration.

Research on the status, conservation, and management of marine mammals, their habitats and ecosystems. Research pertaining to non-fishery related management, law andpolicy, industrial activity and impact assessments can be submitted under this topic.

A broad topic of empirical and applied research in all areas of marine mammal ecology and evolution. Studies relating to population biology (e.g., studies on population abundance, demographics, and genetic structure) and interactions between populations and their environment(e.g., habitat and distribution, trophic interactions), as well genetics, genomics and eDNA should be submitted under this category.

Research relating to direct and indirect marine mammal interactions with large- and small-scale (commercial, recreational, or artisanal) fisheries. This topic may include studies on behavior and welfare, social, economic, institutional, and cultural issues, management applications, legislative and policy frameworks, and fisheries technology.

Research relating to animal welfare and health of both wild and captive animals. This may include studies investigating unusual mortality events, live strandings, disease transmission and toxicology. Additionally, we encourage submissions on standard operating procedures on health assessments and incident responses that ensure good animal welfare outcomes.

One of our new abstract submission and conference session categories for unexpected or unprecedented, interesting events relating to marine mammals. Surprise us!

Another new abstract submission category that encourages submissions of innovative science that has been conducted on a low budget. The topic of the research can fall into any of the other abstract submission categories.

Research that describes, explains, or predicts human behavior in relation to marine mammals. Studies in this topic may relate to social, cultural and economic value placed on marine mammals. Abstracts relating to outreach, education and citizen science should be submitted in this category.

If you feel your research does not fit into any of the broadly defined major topics, you can use this option to submit your abstract.


If you have not completed all required sections you will not be able to submit the abstract. In the case of missing or incomplete sections, you will be prompted to enter the missing information. When all required information is entered, select the “SUBMIT ABSTRACT” button. Receipt of your submission will be acknowledged via email within 24 hours. You may login at any time prior to the deadline to update your submission.


Once you submit your abstract, you will then be directed to add your Co-Authors. Each Co-Author will also receive a confirmation email with your contact information and their login information if they are not already in the conference system. All Co-Authors have Read only access, unless you assign a Co-Author to be a presenter. Presenters have Read/Write access.

There is NO limit on how many abstracts a co-author can be listed on.


Each submitted abstract will be peer reviewed and scored by a minimum of two independent reviewers who have expertise in the specific subject area. The abstract review process will be conducted blind, i.e. all authors’ names will be removed before the abstract is reviewed.

Reviewers apply the following four criteria to evaluate abstract submissions:

  • Originality (1 to 5)
    Abstracts containing significant new findings or presenting new approaches will be given higher scores than those that describe updates, modifications to older findings, or routine applications of well-established research methods.
  • Quality (1 to 5)
    Abstracts should demonstrate that robust and appropriate research methods were used, and include a scientifically robust study design. The outcome of the research should provide clear answers to the main research questions posed. The methods and results should be described in sufficient detail and the conclusions supported by the data.
  • Importance (1 to 5)
    This criterion addresses the importance of the research in terms of advancing the field of marine mammal science, or the conservation and management of marine mammals.
  • Presentation (1 to 5)
    Abstracts that are clearly written and concise will receive higher scores. This criterion addresses how well the specific research question(s) and objectives, methods used, primary results, etc are explained, rather than the quality of the study itself. A clearly written abstract follows a logical order (e.g. aims, methods, results, followed by a clear interpretation of the results and any conservation management implications).

After adjusting for differences in scoring among individual reviewers, abstracts will be ranked on the basis of their overall score, and available slots for presentations will be allocated according to merit using all submissions combined, taking into account presentation preferences.


Acceptance emails for abstracts will be sent on May 15, 2024. Authors will now have until May 29, 2024 at 12 PM (noon), Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) (GMT-4) to confirm their participation.


If you need to withdrawal your abstract for any reason, authors are responsible for notifying the Scientific Program Committee immediately at abstracts@marinemammalscience.org. Please include the title of the abstract along with your submission ID in your notification.


Conference abstracts which have been accepted for presentation may be made available online and also may be viewable to the public following the conference.

Images of conference posters images may be made available to conference participants online and may also be viewable to the public following the conference.


If you have any technical difficulties submitting your abstract, please click on the red “Support” button on submission page (bottom right corner).

If you have general questions about the abstract submission process, please contact abstracts@marinemammalscience.org.


1) Abstract submission opens Tuesday, February 6, 2024.
2) You must login to the conference system via the SMM website. Click HERE to get started.
3) To begin a new abstract, choose “Abstract Submission” on the home page.
4) To view abstracts that are in progress or already submitted, choose the abstract from your list on your home page.
5) To ensure that your data are entered correctly, please follow all directions carefully.
6) Allow at least one hour for abstract submission and proceed through the system, carefully completing each section.
7) After submitting your abstract, a receipt of your submission will be emailed to you within 24 hours.
8) The abstract submission deadline is March 26, 2024 at 12 PM (noon), Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) (GMT+8).
9) Acceptance emails for new submissions will be sent in May 2024. 
10) Authors will receive an email with their assigned date and time for presenting after confirming their participation. To confirm and hold your space, authors are required to complete registration by the early bird registration deadline of end of day July 24, 2024.
11) All accepted abstracts will be available on the SMM2024 Conference Program approximately two weeks prior to the meeting.


The abstract submission deadline is March 26, 2024 at 12 PM (noon), Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) (GMT +8).

Registration is NOT required at the time of submission; however, if your abstract is accepted for presentation in any format, you must register and pay by the early bird deadline of end of day on July 24, 2024 in order for your time slot to be confirmed.


A person can submit ONE abstract and be the “Primary Presenter” ONLY ONCE for any presentation (i.e. oral, speed talk, poster or video) regardless of position on author line.

There is NO limit on how many abstracts a co-author can be listed on.


The title character limit is 255. Please use Title Case with no unnecessary capitalization and no full stop (period) at the end to enter your title. DO NOT USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS for your Abstract Title. Abstracts that do not conform will not be accepted.


The word limit for abstracts is 300 words. This abstract word limit does not include the abstract title, author names or affiliations.

You may italicize text, make your text bold, add super and subscripts and special characters by selecting the smart formatting tool at the top of the abstract entry text box.


Oral presentations are each allotted 12 minutes: 9 minutes for your presentation, 2 minutes for questions and 1 minute for transition.

Posters are an extended abstract with easily readable text and graphics. Posters typically include a title, authors, background, methods, 1-3 results, conclusions and acknowledgements.

A speed talk is a four-minute presentation during which you may present key-ideas, results and their meaning/implication. As a guide, three slides should be sufficient to allow you to get your point across.

A video presentation mirrors the duration of a speed-talk (four minutes) but incorporates diverse media elements such as high-resolution video, animation, and narration. Authors are encouraged to employ these media creatively to effectively convey the study’s purpose, results, and implications, aiming for comprehension not only among scientific peers but also among a broader audience.


You will need to identify a topic for your abstract submission. Each topic is accompanied by a brief description to help you decide which is most relevant for your submission. There are 11 major topics from which to choose, or rather, 10 broadly defined topics and an ‘other’ should you feel it does not fall within the bounds of the other 10. We realize that these are not all mutually exclusive, so please just submit your abstract under that topic which you feel best suits your research.

Among these are two new topics about which we are particularly excited: ‘Out of the blue’ encourages sharing of unexpected or unprecedented, interesting events relating to marine mammals, and ‘Science on a shoestring’ invites submissions and awards attention on innovative marine mammal science being completed on a low budget.

Research pertaining to the study of the form, function and structure of marine mammals and their features, including aspects of outward appearance.

Studies of marine mammal behavior as an evolutionarily adaptive trait or in the context of anthropogenic influences and research that focuses on culture in marine mammals. This may include studies closely tied to behavior, cognition, and psychology.

Research on climate change effects on marine mammal populations, species and their habitats. Studies may relate to movements, vital rates, polar ecology, or changes in metocean conditions and physical habitat alteration.

Research on the status, conservation, and management of marine mammals, their habitats and ecosystems. Research pertaining to non-fishery related management, law andpolicy, industrial activity and impact assessments can be submitted under this topic.

A broad topic of empirical and applied research in all areas of marine mammal ecology and evolution. Studies relating to population biology (e.g., studies on population abundance, demographics, and genetic structure) and interactions between populations and their environment(e.g., habitat and distribution, trophic interactions), as well genetics, genomics and eDNA should be submitted under this category.

Research relating to direct and indirect marine mammal interactions with large- and small-scale (commercial, recreational, or artisanal) fisheries. This topic may include studies on behavior and welfare, social, economic, institutional, and cultural issues, management applications, legislative and policy frameworks, and fisheries technology.

Research relating to animal welfare and health of both wild and captive animals. This may include studies investigating unusual mortality events, live strandings, disease transmission and toxicology. Additionally, we encourage submissions on standard operating procedures on health assessments and incident responses that ensure good animal welfare outcomes.

One of our new abstract submission and conference session categories for unexpected or unprecedented, interesting events relating to marine mammals. Surprise us!

Another new abstract submission category that encourages submissions of innovative science that has been conducted on a low budget. The topic of the research can fall into any of the other abstract submission categories.

Research that describes, explains, or predicts human behavior in relation to marine mammals. Studies in this topic may relate to social, cultural and economic value placed on marine mammals. Abstracts relating to outreach, education and citizen science should be submitted in this category.

If you feel your research does not fit into any of the broadly defined major topics, you can use this option to submit your abstract.


If you have not completed all required sections you will not be able to submit the abstract. In the case of missing or incomplete sections, you will be prompted to enter the missing information. When all required information is entered, select the “SUBMIT ABSTRACT” button. Receipt of your submission will be acknowledged via email within 24 hours. You may login at any time prior to the deadline to update your submission.


Once you submit your abstract, you will then be directed to add your Co-Authors. Each Co-Author will also receive a confirmation email with your contact information and their login information if they are not already in the conference system. All Co-Authors have Read only access, unless you assign a Co-Author to be a presenter. Presenters have Read/Write access.

There is NO limit on how many abstracts a co-author can be listed on.


Each submitted abstract will be peer reviewed and scored by a minimum of two independent reviewers who have expertise in the specific subject area. The abstract review process will be conducted blind, i.e. all authors’ names will be removed before the abstract is reviewed.

Reviewers apply the following four criteria to evaluate abstract submissions:

  • Originality (1 to 5)
    Abstracts containing significant new findings or presenting new approaches will be given higher scores than those that describe updates, modifications to older findings, or routine applications of well-established research methods.
  • Quality (1 to 5)
    Abstracts should demonstrate that robust and appropriate research methods were used, and include a scientifically robust study design. The outcome of the research should provide clear answers to the main research questions posed. The methods and results should be described in sufficient detail and the conclusions supported by the data.
  • Importance (1 to 5)
    This criterion addresses the importance of the research in terms of advancing the field of marine mammal science, or the conservation and management of marine mammals.
  • Presentation (1 to 5)
    Abstracts that are clearly written and concise will receive higher scores. This criterion addresses how well the specific research question(s) and objectives, methods used, primary results, etc are explained, rather than the quality of the study itself. A clearly written abstract follows a logical order (e.g. aims, methods, results, followed by a clear interpretation of the results and any conservation management implications).

After adjusting for differences in scoring among individual reviewers, abstracts will be ranked on the basis of their overall score, and available slots for presentations will be allocated according to merit using all submissions combined, taking into account presentation preferences.


Acceptance emails for abstracts will be sent on May 15, 2024. Authors will now have until May 29, 2024 at 12 PM (noon), Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) (GMT-4) to confirm their participation.


If you need to withdrawal your abstract for any reason, authors are responsible for notifying the Scientific Program Committee immediately at abstracts@marinemammalscience.org. Please include the title of the abstract along with your submission ID in your notification.


Conference abstracts which have been accepted for presentation may be made available online and also may be viewable to the public following the conference.

Images of conference posters images may be made available to conference participants online and may also be viewable to the public following the conference.


If you have any technical difficulties submitting your abstract, please click on the red “Support” button on submission page (bottom right corner).

If you have general questions about the abstract submission process, please contact abstracts@marinemammalscience.org.