We are pleased to announce our Schedule-At-A-Glance for the 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals!

Pre-conference workshops will be available on July 30-31, 2022. The main conference will be held on August 1-5, 2022.

SMM2022 is a hybrid conference, which means that the conference will include both an in-person and virtual conference experience for attendees. People who – for a variety of reasons – will not be able to join the in-person conference in Palm Beach, Florida at the Palm Beach Convention Center, can still participate, share ideas, discuss important issues, and engage with other conference attendees. It’s a whole new kind of conference experience!

Below are the official schedules at a glance for SMM2022! There will be a content available only to participants visiting the conference in-person and virtually, but we have assigned both virtual and in-person presentations to specific sessions in the program. This is to highlight all of the amazing research being done by all of our attendees—whether you are attending in-person or virtually! We also want to help people easily connect with other researchers working on similar topics.



Posted: July 31, 2022


Live-Streaming Plenaries

All plenaries will be live-streamed on the virtual platform. Staff in the live event will be monitoring the virtual platform Q&A chat box and will be selecting questions to pose to the speaker, so don’t miss the opportunity to engage in real time!

Live-Streaming Scientific Sessions

During the conference there will be up to four concurrent sessions at the conference center. Two of those sessions (sessions in the Grand Ballroom and Ballroom ABC) will be live-streamed. These sessions and their topics are identified by the pink boxes in the Virtual Schedule-at-a-Glance. Viewers watching the sessions live will be able to post questions to the session moderator to watch during the question and answer portion. If your question isn’t asked and answered, you can always follow-up with the presenter by visiting their abstract page on the virtual site or by directly messaging them. If you are a presenter, please make sure you check your virtual page regularly to engage with our huge virtual audience.